Mayor Charleen Dowell has re-issued her ‘Declaration of Public Disaster.’ All members of the Moody Community are strongly encouraged to follow the CDC, WHO, HHS guidelines and ‘shelter in’, practice social-distancing, and wash-wash-wash your hands! At this time there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Moody. Several persons with flu-like symptoms are self-quarantined within the City. These persons should be applauded and supported for their concern for neighbors. McLennan County is #10 of 254 counties with several dozen confirmed cases. Do your part to stop the spread!

Moody Police will be maintaining active patrols, the Municipal Court has suspended all but necessary operations by order of the State, and Admin Office Hours are adjusted to limit face to face contact with the general public and pursue necessary duties, the Utility Department is maintaining essential services. Major repairs to one of the City’s wells is complete and the water supply is and has always been safe! The City is functional and serving its citizens. Email:, or call and leave ‘complete’ messages.


WHEREAS, the President of the United States, the Governor of the State of Texas, and other National, State, and Local Officials have declared the current COVID-19 pandemic an emergency;
WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of Texas has issued emergency orders on a statewide basis to protect the public during this public health disaster;
WHEREAS, McLennan County has declared a state of public emergency and issued appropriate orders to protect the public; and,
WHEREAS, I Charlene Dowell, Mayor of the City of Moody, Texas find it necessary to make the following findings, declarations, and orders to protect the public and the City of Moody, Texas from the risk of the COVID-19 virus during this period of emergency and disaster.
IT IS THERFORE DECLARED AND ORDERED in accordance with Texas Government Code Chapter 418 and Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 81 that a STATE OF PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND DISASTER does hereby exist within the City of Moody, Texas.
IT IS FOUND, DECLARED, AND ORDERED that the Governor’s Executive Orders and the McLennan County Declaration and Order for the current state of emergency, which are publicized thereby and incorporated herein, are sufficient to protect the public and the City of Moody and that those orders are hereby adopted as emergency orders of the City of Moody and are to be enforced within the City of Moody. A violation of this order shall be a Class C misdemeanor and the penalty of this order shall be a fine of not less than $1.00 nor more than $500.00.
IT IS FURTHER DECLARED AND ORDERED that the Emergency Plan of McLennan Counties is to be implemented as ordered thereby and that The City of Moody shall coordinate and cooperate with the implementation of said plan.
IT IS FINALLY ORDERED that this Declaration and Order shall continue for a period of seven (7) days unless further extended by the City Council of the City of Moody, Texas.
Signed and Entered on March 27, 2020.
Signed copy on File

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