Note of Encouragement

In the present crisis it is important to remember that ‘we’ have weathered such storms and come through a better and stronger people.
American troops were in poor condition when they dug in for the winter at Valley Forge. Shortages of food, clothing, and contagious illness spread among our troops. In the American Spirit they pulled together, shared what they had, took significant steps, remained disciplined and united to gain an ultimate future victory. They did what they needed to do.
Some say we are at war against an unseen enemy. This is not the first battle against a ravaging illness. One such instance occurred over a hundred years ago. An epidemic called “American Fever” struck Philadelphia. Nearly one in ten persons died. To stop the illness the city was evacuated and not until winter settled in was the epidemic halted.
Evacuation is a foolish and unreasonable option for today. The American Fever epidemic of Philadelphia is better known as the mosquito spread Yellow Fever which often caused epidemics until a vaccine was developed. The cause of the Philadelphia epidemic was later determined to be persons fleeing a region of Yellow Fever illness and traveling to Philadelphia for safety.
Sheltering-in, social distancing, calling by phone to visit or check on family and friends rather than in person, as well as offering to share staple supplies with others in need, are the best and required responses of this time. We must do what we need to do with practical wisdom, equity, and compassion.
We live in the Best State of the Greatest Nation in the World. Let us live as the Greatest People. God Bless America! GOD BLESS TEXAS!!!
“But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever,
The purposes of his heart through all generations.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
The people He has chosen for His inheritance.”
Psalm 33:11-12

wash your hands
don’t touch your nose or face
cough or sneeze into your sleeve or tissue
avoid sick persons, avoid groups of persons or multiple close contacts
social distancing – 6 feet or more
if you are sick stay home, if a family member is sick stay home

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