City of Moody, Texas

P.O. Box 68     606 Ave E.

Moody TX 76557

254-853-2314                                     Fax : 254-853-2164

The city council of Moody, Texas met in a regular session, April 19, 2022. This meeting was duly announced in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551, of the Texas Government Code. The following items were addressed:

  1. CALL TO ORDER, ESTABLISH A QUORUM IS PRESENT. Mayor Charlene Dowell called the Moody City Council to order, determined that a quorum was present with Mayor Charlene Dowell, Richard Moore, Karla Alton, Jennifer Houghton, and John Carpenter. Members of the Council Bar also in attendance were City Administrator and Chief of Police. The City Council was called to order and the public hearing started at 6:13pm.
  2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & PRAYER. The group assembled in the pledge to the U.S. Flag and to the Texas Flag. The group offered a prayer for the group and proceedings.
  3. Public comments on non-agenda items.


4. Public comments on agenda items:

Laura Parks discussed the issue she has with the address for Mustard Seed Shop. She states that she is unable to receive mail or packages to her shop or residence. She lives at 106 and her shop is at 108 and shows to be an invalid address.

Randall Gates spoke about agenda items that he requested to be added.

Uthana Gates spoke on concern for Randall Gates not being able to vote, and deannexation of property.

5. There was a discussion about approving City Council minutes from regular meeting 3/08/2022. Motion was made by Richard Moore to approve and seconded by John Carpenter. All for, except Karla Alton, due to her being absent in previous meeting, and none against.

6. City Council and City Attorney went into Executive Session to discuss items #6, retention agreement with the City Attorney, #7, Disannexation request for CAD# 152998, 467 Valley Drive, #8, and Election complaint of Randall S. Gates, #9 Resolution establishing City Council Agenda Procedures, #10 Adopt-Update Gun Laws. Executive Session started at 6:27pm and returned back  at 7:18pm.

7. There was a discussion about the retention agreement with the City Attorney. Increase fee for City Attorney to $175/hour. Motion was made to accept by John Carpenter and seconded by Richard Moore. All for and none against.

8. There was a discussion about Disannexation request for CAD #152998, 467 Valley Drive.

No action was taken.

9. There was a discussion about resolution establishing city council agenda procedures.

Motion was made to adopt a resolution by Richard Moore and seconded by Jennifer Houghton. All for and none against

10. There was a discussion to adopt-update Gun Laws for City Hall. Motion was made by John Carpenter to adopt and seconded by Richard Moore. All for and none against.

11. There was a discussion about rezoning 106 and 108 5th street.

No Action was taken.

12. There was a discussion about rezoning 104 8th street from commercial to residential.

The motion was made by Karla Alton to ammend the ordinance and seconded by John Carpenter. All for none against.

13. There was a discussion about a Cotton Harvest Festival Fundraiser. Request for street to be closed. Karla Alton made motion to approve and was seconded by Jennifer Houghton. All for and none against.

14. There was a discussion about parking on Ave B and signs to be placed stating No Parking, Moday-Friday 7am-5pm. Motion was made to approve by Richard Moore and seconded by Jennifer Houghton. All for and none against.

15. There was a discussion in regards to awarding administrative sevices  for American Rescue Fund Act Grant to Langford. Motion to accept by Karla Alton and seconded by John Carpenter. All for and none against.

16. There was a discussion to award engineering sevices to MRB Group. Motion made by Richard Moore to accept and seconded by Karla Alton. All for and none against.

17. There was a discussion about the water bills and the American Rescue Fund Act Grant.

No Action was taken.

18. Staff reports were given from the Chief of Police and City Administrator.

19. Motion to adjourn made by Richard Moore and seconded by John Carpenter. All for and none against. Adjournment at 7:50pm.

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