City of Moody, Texas
P.o. Box68 606 Ave E.
Moody TX 76557
Minutes of the City Council November 10, 2020
The City council of Moody, Texas met in regular session November 10, 2020. This meeting was duly announced in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551, of the Texas Government Code. The following agenda items were addressed.
- CALL TO ORDER, ESTABLISH A QUORUM IS PRESENT. Mayor Dowell called the Regular Session of the Moody City Council to order, determined that a quorum was available. The City Council was called to order and in session at 6:00 pm.
- Pledges of allegiance to the Texas Flag, blessing upon the gathering.
- Public comments on agenda items. Rusty Simmons, Armando Fernandez
- Public comments on non-aganeda items: N/A
- Approve minutes from from city council minutes from regular meeting on
10/13/2020, called meeting on 10/20/2020, and called meeting/workshop on 10/26/2020. Josh Richter motioned to approve the minutes and Karla Alton seconded the motion. All for none opposed.
- Armando Fernandez would like to purchase the vacant lot at 405 2nd street owned by the city of Moody. City council of Moody motioned to to table to obtain more information.
- Mr. Rusty Simmons would like to purchase 300 acres on Wall ridge and stockton and need water provided. No action taken.
- City Staff requesting review of paid holidays or half day on Christmas Eve and New Years. These being included would be greatly appreciated / just a request. Thank you. Karla Alton motioned to approve with Jon Carpenter secondeding the motion. All for none opposed. Office will close at noon on both days.
- ITEMS FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION- WORK SESSION (Information gathering, Discussions, Reports, Updates, Suggestions regarding future sessions);[no action will be taken by the Council on items presented in this part of the session.]:
- Report of Public Works Director – Keith Fisher
- Report of Police Chief— Roger Kennedy
D. Council Remarks or Inquiries
The above named Department Heads gave a synopsis of their departments operations for the previous month. A copy of their reports are filed with the documents of this Council Session.
- Appoint a BlueBonnet WSC Representative and Alternate Board to the Board. Karla Alton motioned for Kieth Fisher as Representative and Josh Richter as Alternate to board. Josh Richter seconded the motion. All for none opposed.
Il. Appiontment of a secretary to the Economic Development Board. Motioned to Table at this time. Motion to table Josh Richter with John Carpenter seconding the motion.
- Review policy on accrued employee vacation and sick time (rollovers/ or pay. Josh Richter motioned to approve a one time payment of unused vacation time for employees on 12-31-2020 with Karla Alton seconding the motion. All for none opposed.
- Executive Session Time: Discuss City Administrator [City Secretary position: back into open session at 7:45 pm Karla Alton motioned to appoint Keith Fisher as Interim City Manager with authority to sign all city papers and move Beau Massey into Interim Public Works effective from this date to Jan I, 2021 until 2/10/2021 and allow part time help to remain during this time. John Carpenter seconded the motion. All for none opposed.
- Mayor Dowell, John Carepnter, and Ricahrd Moore were sworn in and took their oaths of office. Oaths were given by Chief of Police Roger Kennedy.
- Review ordinance [policy on locking bathrooms at the city base ballfields. John Carpenter motioned to approve to lock the restrooms at the city basefields and Richard Moore seconded the motion. All for none opposed.
- Discuss the hiring of a accounting firm to do the annual audit. This was tabled by city council.
- Adjournment: The City Council Of Moody adjourned at 8:04 pm. John Carpenter motioned to approve with Josh Richter seconding the motion. All for none opposed.
Minutes respectfully submitted: JANA KENNEDY