Minutes of the City Council – January 7, 2020
The City council of Moody, Texas met in CALLED session January 7, 2020. This meeting was duly announced in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551, of the Texas Government Code. The following agenda items were addressed.
- CALL TO ORDER, ESTABLISH A QUORUM IS PRESENT. Mayor Charleen Dowell called the Regular Session of the Moody City Council to order, determined that a quorum was available Mayor pro-tem, John Carpenter, Richard Moore, Jennifer Haughton, Karla Alton, and Josh Richter. The City Council was called to order and in session at 6:00pm.
- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & PRAYER. William Sterling led the group assembled in the pledge to the U.S. Flag and to the Texas Flag. City Chaplain William Sterling offered a prayer for the group and proceedings.
- PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS: JASON DEAN with THE WELL CHURCH, & JARED MCCLURE. Mr. Featherston city code inspector replied to all questions and concerns regarding the laws for the building THE Well needs to adheir too per state of Texas.
ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION, DISCUSSION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Resolution approving a 90 day loan for the purchase of a new fire truck. Alderman Moore motioned for a table of the item due to Mr. Alton not being available that night for questions. Motion failed for lack of a second. MAYOR pro-tem John Carpenter motioned ot approve with Karla Alton seconding the motion to approve. Four for and one opposed on the resolution. Resolution for 90 day loan for fire dept passes. 6:10 pm moved into work session:
ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION, AND DISCUSSION= WORK SESSION: GENERAL DISCUSSION AND REVIEW: Code Enforcement: occupancy change, structural improvements & requirements = “THE WELL”. Jason Dean with The Well spoke on their behalf admitting their mistake with out obtaining a building permit and coordinating with the William Sterling. The Well apologized for this many times. We also heard from Jarod Mcclure he handed out papaerwork that IS attached to the minutes., and Mr. Coats The Well’s new electrician that is going to do his best to get them into code on certain parts. The Well still does need to get a licensed engineer involved.
CITY HALL OPERATIONS AND PRACTICES: MR. WILLIAM STERLING informed council that city hall was open at 8am and that there were two city cats that are put up during court and city hall meetings.
Personnel Management Policies and Practices, Mr. Sterling briefly described everyone ‘s position within the city including himself.
Facilities and infrastructure maintenance plans and past efforts. Mr. Fisher utility dept head gave council a breifing on on what needed to be fixed and not kicked can down the road anymore. Lots of high dollar items need attention…a lot of this information has been on going for the last five years.
Financial Operations and Practices: City Administrator William Sterling went over basic daily operation of the admin staff. He stated that the court chief court clerk worked for him and Judge Richardson and answered to OCA. Chief Court clerk is as he stated independent/out on her own kinda..Mrs, Riveria however is doing a great job and has a family with two teen kids and is doing the city a great job..
And Potential orientation discussion for council members . The council received their notebooks in December, but no discussion on this item.
ADJOURNMENT. = Motion to adjourn was made by Richard Moore,with Karla Alton seconding the motion, all for none opposed. The City Council adjourned at 8:10pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by: JANA KENNEDY