Minutes of the City Council – December 10 , 2019

The City council of Moody, Texas met in regular session December 10, 2019.  This meeting was duly announced in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551, of the Texas Government Code.  The following agenda items were addressed. 


  1. CALL TO ORDER, ESTABLISH A QUORUM IS PRESENT.   Mayor Charleen Dowell called the Regular Session of the Moody City Council to order, determined that a quorum was available with Mayor Charleen Dowell, John Carpenter, Josh Richter, Jennifer Houghton, & Richard Moore present.  The City Council was called to order and in session at 6:00PM.
  2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & PRAYER. Mayor Charleen Dowell led the group assembled in the pledge to the U.S. Flag and to the Texas Flag.   City Treasurer Renea Rivera offered a prayer for the group and proceedings.
  3. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS: R.S. Gates spoke regarding a open records request he put in on Monday 12/9/19. Ken Brown spoke that open records request must sometimes be approved before making them information public.
  4. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS: R.S. Gates spoke to that he is needing minutes from a previous executive session.


  • ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION:Regular Session November 21, 2019. After review the Council approved the minutes of the aforementioned session as presented. Josh Richter motioned to approve, with John Carepenter seconding the motion.  Mayor Dowell without vote, all for none opposed.
  • ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Appointment of Two Persons to represent the City of Moody on the Moody Economic Development Board of Directors. Josh Richter motioned to table the item for now with Jennifer Houghton seconding the motion. All for none opposed. Motion to table passed.
  • ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Appointment of primary and alternate representatives for the City of Moody to the BlueBonnet Water Supply Board of Directors. John Carpenter motioned for William Sterling primary and Keith Fisher as Alternate Reprentatives for the City of Moody to the BlueBonnet Water Supply Board of Directors, Josh Richter seconded the motion. All for none opposed.
  • ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Discussion on financing of current projects and a resolution approving the financing agreement with FNB Moody for the meter replacement program. Richard Moore motioned to table this item for now and Josh Richter seconded the motion. All for none opposed.
  • ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Resolution setting requirements and approval to replat property lines for properties listed as mcad# 153340, #153341, & #153339 located on the southeast corner of Stampede road and Ave G. John Carpenter motioned to table with Josh Richter seconding the motion. All for none opposed.
  • ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION, DISCUSSION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Executive Session under chapter 551 of the local government code the city council reserves the right to meet in closed executive session to: A. consult with attorney (551.071) B. discuss a purchase, exchange , lease, value of real property, or negotiated contracts (551.0726) C. discussion regarding commercial information received from a business prospect and or the nature of any incentives for economic development. (551.087) Moody City Council moved into Executive Session at 6:16 pm.
  • ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Report from Executive Session and potential decisions  discussed and acted upon publicy. City Council reconvened from Executive Session at 8:25 pm. Nothing to report. Attorney Client Priviledge.
  • ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION AND DISCUSSION: === WORK Session; Presentations by police, utility, and administration departments, city attorney and municipal court, and orientation for council memebers. Police Chief Roger Kennedy gave his report to the council.  Keith Fisher gave his report to the council. Mayor Dowell ended staff reports with those two.
  • ADJOURNMENT: Moody City Council Adjourned at 8:29pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by:__JANA KENNEDY     

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