City of Moody, Texas

P.O.Box68     606AveE.

Moody TX 76557

254-853-2314                                           Fax: 254-853-2164


“Called City Council Session”

The Moody City Council met in a Called Meeting on October 30, 2019 scheduled for 6:00PM. This meeting was duly posted, announced, and open to the public in accordance with all State Legal requirements. There were 13 agenda items with 6 being items of potential action.

Mayor Tina Eaton called the Session to Order at 6:02PM, determined that there was a quorum present with the following Council members present: Mayor Tina Eaton, Mayor Pro-Tern Deloras Inge, Alderman Robert Siler, Alderman Ken Brown, and Alderman Richard Moore. There was one vacancy on the Council.

Mayor Tina Eaton led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Texas Flag. This was followed by Mayor Pro-Tem Deloras Inge offering a blessing over the gathering and meeting.

The next item for business was for the Council to receive public comments on Agenda Items. The following persons spoke:

R.S. Gates spoke to Agenda Item #5 regarding the holding of Executive Sessions and to Agenda Item #12 the Annexation Resolution.

Patty Dean spoke to Agenda Item #12 the Annexation Resolution Susan Allen spoke to Agenda Item #12 the Annexation Resolution Laura Ward spoke to Agenda Item #12 the Annexation Resolution

This was a period for public comments with no action or deliberation.

The following Agenda Item was public comments on Non-Agenda items; Bryan Neuman spoke to the Council on general conditions of the City operations. This was a period for public comments with no action or deliberation.

Following the Public Comment Agenda Items, the Council moved to Agenda Item# 5 which was to move into Executive Session. Mayor Eaton Dismissed all assembled except for the Council, City Attorney, and City Administrator. The Council moved into Executive Session at 6:26PM and came out of Executive Session at 7:28PM.

The Mayor Re-convened the Council into Open Session as Agenda Item #6 at 7:28PM and gave a public report in review of the executive session. Discussion during the Executive Session focused on current litigation involving the City, potential annexation pending, and possible projects and agreements

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regarding Economic Development within the City. No items were acted upon and no motions made in open session for action from the Executive Session.

The 7th Agenda Item was a report by the Mayor of a recent appointment to the Moody Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. Caroline Rice is now on that Board. This item required no action.

The next Agenda Item #8 was approval of a resolution accepting the stipulations of an agreement on County Court at law #2 action #20180808CV2. This is a lawsuit brought by the City against the owners of substandard buildings within the City. After reading of the resolution Mayor Eaton asked for a motion to approve or disapprove. Ken Brown made a motion to agree and accept the agreement. Robert Siler seconded the Motion. A vote was called for: Mayor Eaton -without vote, Robert Siler= yea, Richard Moore= yea, Deloras Inge= Yea, Ken Brown= yea. The vote was unanimous and so recorded.

Agenda Item #9 was a resolution setting the date for Public Hearing regarding the issuing of Certificates of Obligation to finance the waterline replacement/relocation from Hwy 107 to 14th Street and extending under the BNSF Railway & Hwy 317 to Avenue E. Dates were discussed and the council chose to try to schedule for the week of December 16, 2019. Motion to approve was made by Ken Brown, seconded by Robert Siler and a vote was called for. The vote was unanimous to set and publish a date for Public Hearings.

Agenda Item #10 was a Resolution approving a contract with Core and Main for replacement of all water meters in the City system with radio read meters, upgrade software, and train staff. After review and discussion Mayor Eaton called for a motion to approve or disapprove. Robert Siter made the motion to approve, Deloras Inge Seconded the motion. A vote was called for and recorded as: Robert Siler= aye, Richard Moore= aye, Deloras Inge aye, and Ken Brown= aye. The vote was unanimous.

Agenda Item #11 was a resolution directing the City Administrator to arrange financing for the Water Meter Replacement Program. City Administrator William Sterling presented two options; one was with “Government Capitol” which would be a 5 to 7 year payback with annual payments. The first·payment being due one year ‘after’ the meter replacement was completed with early repayment at any time allowed without penalty. The other option was Certificates of Obligation through FNB Moody. These would be set on similar payback.time frame but would be more rigidly scheduled as the certificates would have set due dates. Payments may be annual, quarterly, or monthly. The interest rates were equal. Discussion followed and the Mayor called for a motion to select the entity with which to finance the program. Richard Moore made the motion to finance the program through FNB Moody. Ken Brown seconded the motion. Mayor Eaton called for a vote which was as follows: Robert Siler= aye, Richard Moore= Aye, Deloras Inge= Nay, Ken Brown= Aye. The motion passed 3 for and 1 against.

Agenda Item #12 was an Ordinance Annexing specific properties in the City of Moody’s Extra=territorial Jurisdiction and currently receiving City Services into the Corporate City Limits. This action Item was divided into two supporting Ordinances. Ordinance #10302019-lA is an: “Ordinance Ratifying Property Development Agreements” Discussion with explanation by the City Attorney followed.

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City of Moody, Texas

P.O. Box 68 606 Ave E. Moody TX 76557

254-853-2314                                                    Fax: 254-853-2164

Mayor Eaton asked for a motion to approve or dis-approve. Motion to adopt the ordinance was made by Ken Brown and seconded by Deloras Inge. A voice vote was called with Richard Moore voting aye, Ken Brown voting aye, Mayor Eaton did not cast a vote as presiding Officer, Robert Siler voted aye, and Deloras Inge voted aye. All voting aye and the Ordinance being adopted unanimously. The second Ordinance #10302019-1B is an: “Ordinance Annexing Territory.” Discussion by the Council followed with Mayor Eaton calling for a motion to approve or dis-approve this ordinance. Motion to adopt the ordinance was made by Deloras Inge and then seconded by Ken Brown. The Mayor called for a voice vote: Richard Moore voted aye, Ken Brown voted aye, Robert Siler voted aye, Mayor Tina Eaton did not vote as presiding officer, Deloras Inge voted aye. All members voted ‘aye.’ The Ordinance was adopted unanimously.

The Final Agenda Item #13 is to Adjourn the Session. There being to further business on the posted agenda Mayor Eaton asked for a motion to adjourn and the Council Session adjourned by acclamation at 8:00PM October 30, 2019.

Respectfully Submitted,

William A. Sterling

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