The City council of Moody, Texas met in regular session September 10, 2019. This meeting was duly announced in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551, of the Texas Government Code. The following agenda items were addressed.
- CALL TO ORDER, ESTABLISH A QUORUM IS PRESENT. Mayor Tina Eaton called the Regular Session of the Moody City Council to order, determined that a quorum was present with Deloras Inge, Richard Moore , Ken Brown, and Robert Siler. Members of the Council Bar also in attendance were City Administrator William Sterling, Chief of Police Roger Kennedy, Public Works Director Keith Fisher, and City Council Secretary Jana Kennedy. The City Council was called to order and in session at 6:10pm.
- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & PRAYER Chief Roger Kennedy led the group assembled
in the pledge to the U.S. Flag and to the Texas Flag. City Chaplain William Sterling
ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the minutes from the Regular Session of August 5, 2019, and August 15th called session of the city council. Motion to accept as presented was made by Richard Moore and seconded by Deloras Inge. Approved by all voting members.
ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION, DICUSSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Resolution adopting a general Funds (Government Operations) budget for the fiscal year 2020. Motion to approve was made by Richard Moore and seconded by Deloras Inge. All for none opposed.
ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Resolution adopting an AD-valorem tax rate for the City of Moody. Proposed property tax rate of .684484, which is effectively an 8.0 percent increase in the tax rate. Motion to approve was made by Richard Moore with Ken Brown seconded the motion. All for none opposed.
ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Resolution adopting a utility fund (proprietary operations) budgets for the fiscal year 2020. Motion to approve was made by Deloras Inge and Robert Siler seconded the motion. All for none opposed.
ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION, DISCUSSION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Resolution affirming the mayor’s appointments to the Moody Housing Authority board. This item was tabled.
CITY COUNCIL M0VED INTO EXECUTIVE AT 6:30 PM PER MAYOR’S REQUEST: presentation was given by a couple on the water meter replacement program, city attorney Denny Lessman and Kevin Lessman gave updates on litigation and annexations. No decisions were made and council ended executive session at 8:15pm. Mrs. Laura Ward was told that she and her complaints were discussed.
- ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION, AND DISCUSSION: Presentation regarding a water meter replacement program for the city. (they were here three years ago with this information).
- ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION, DISCUSSION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Ordinance authorizing publication of notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation to finance the emergency waterline relocation/replacement project and approval of certificate for this same notice of intention. Richard Moore motioned to approve and Robert Siler seconded the motion. All for none opposed.
- ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Resolution authorizing the city administrator to contract for FY 2019·annual audits with Alton Thiele P.C. Ken Brown motioned to approve and Deloras Inge seconded the motion. All for none opposed.
The City council of Moody, Texas met in a Called session September 16, 2019. This meeting was duly announced in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551, of the Texas Government Code. The following agenda items were addressed.
The City council of Moody, Texas met in a Called session September 16, 2019. This meeting was duly announced in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551, of the Texas Government Code. The following agenda items were addressed.
- CALL TO ORDER, ESTABLISH A QUORUM IS PRESENT. Mayor Tina Eaton called the Called Session of the Moody City Council to order, determined that a quorum was available with Tina Eaton Mayor, Deloras Inge, Robert Siler, Ken Brown, and Richard Moore present. The City Council was called to order and in session at 5:04 PM.
- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & PRAYER. Mayor Eaton led the group assembled in the pledge to the U.S. Flag and to the Texas Flag, and offered a prayer for the group and proceedings.
OPEN COMMENTS FROM SPEAKERS: Laura Ward saying again which was same thing she said at the City Council meeting on the 10th that Mr. Brown was rude. Again, this was addressed at the last council meeting please refer to Regular Session 9/10/19 council meeting minutes. MAYOR EATON STATED IT WAS ADDRESSED LAST MEETING AND THANKED HER FOR HER COMMENT.
Litigation on behalf of the City
- Annexations Discussion
- Water meter Replacement Program
- Waterline Relocation/Replacement Program
- ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Public report from executive session and potential action on executive items. More research needed with a called session on 9/23/19 City Council. 5pm
- ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Presentation regarding a water meter replacement program for the city. The company could not make it, so it was tabled for now. RECONVENED BACK INTO OPEN SESSION AT 6:30 PM
- ITEM FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Resolution appointing the mayor as the chief executive officer and authorized representative to act in all matters in connection with FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Project (HMGP) and committing the city to provide emergency generator for the city’s water plant, portable generator for sewer systems waste lift stations, emergency operations generator at city hall, and the key asset of a community emergency warning system (siren) system to include MISD as a cooperating entity, Ken Brown motioned to approve and Deloras Inge seconded the motion, All for none opposed.
and allowing, under the Governing Texas Municipal Retirement System, restricted prior service credit to employees who are members of the system for service previously performed for various other public entities for which they have not received credited service. Motion to approve was made by Robert Siler and seconded by Ken Brown. All for none opposed.